
1 x 件

Part.nr.: 36526

此适配器可在开展 PowerFlush 处理工作时用作辅助工具,让车辆与 PowerFlush 设备实现连接。若需帮助选择正确的适配器,请参见产品建议数据库。Kroon-Oil PowerFlush 可非常快速高效地冲洗和清洁整个自动变速箱,然后为其加注新变速箱油。它可以轻松消除油污所致的离合器故障。完成处理后,大多数变速箱都能恢复正常运行并令齿轮光洁如新。


QCS-16002: Disconnect the intercooler, then move the air intake hose with the intercooler to one side to access the top bolt of the heat exchanger. Then connect the adapter to the heat exchanger. Please note, flushing this car is a difficult job!